The IT Talent Challenge: IT Leaders and Staffing Executives Speak
Date & Time
Wednesday, November 17, 2021, 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM
Mark Roberts Mark Taylor Caren Shiozaki Lou Senko Sarah Martin Manny Vidal

The numbers do not lie.  Unemployment in IT is at historically low levels.  There is little likelihood our domestic pipeline of talent will significantly expand in the foreseeable future.  To varying degrees, both official policy and public discourse has ranged from less than welcoming to outright hostility toward IT professionals from abroad. 

In this candid discussion moderated by the leaders of Society for Information Management and TechServe Alliance, CIOs and IT staffing executives will explore the IT talent gap, its implications, how various stakeholders are coping today and planning for the future.

Location Name
Ritz-Carlton Ballroom