Congratulations to the Winners of TechServe's

Excellence in the New Normal Honors


Category: Individual/Team

Company: Business Centric Technology
Individual: Barbie Barta

Company: DTG Consulting Solutions, Inc.
Team: DTG Consulting Solutions, Inc. Team

Company: ESP IT
Individual: Aaron Stratman

Company: John Galt Staffing
Individual: John Racho

Company: Mastech Digital

Company: MANIFEST Technology
Team: John Jung, Wendy Sader and Laurisa Koch

Company: Millennium Consulting Inc.
Individual: Jamie Hansen

Company: Ntelicor, LLC
Individual: Aaron Jenkins

Company: ProFocus Technology
Individual: Aubrey McCauley

Company: SunSmartGlobal

Individual: Venkat Raman J

Category: Suppliers

Company: ClearEdge Marketing

Company: JobDiva

Company: UHY Advisors

Individual: Loni Winkler